Quality Resources for the Rehabilitation Professional



Basics of Disability Law for Rehabilitation Practitioners


The law concerning disability is a critical component of rehabilitation practice, yet there are few resources that attempt to clarify the complex issues in legislation and regulation. Basics of Disability Law for Rehabilitation Practitioners attempts to explain some of the critical concepts of disability law by examination of the rationale for existing law and a descriptions of key provisions. Issues discussed include:


  • Common law provisions concerning disability—those circumstances that cause courts to view the law differently because of disability in civil litigation;
  • Disability as civil rights law—a review of the history of civil rights law and its application to discrimination against persons with disability and the limits of protection.
  • A review of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, including a review of critical United States Supreme Court cases.
  • A discussion of the rationale and provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act.
  • Discussion of Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act and protection for persons with disabilities in employment.
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and protections for children with disabilities in receipt of a free, appropriate public education.
  • An overview of social insurance systems including basic provisions of Social Security and Workers’ Compensation laws.


Basics of Disability Law for Rehabilitation Practitioners attempts to fill a gap in resources for rehabilitation practitioners by going beyond mere provisions of the law to describe the background of disability policy. Extensive citation of key cases, legislative provisions, and regulations will assist the rehabilitation practitioner toward a fuller understanding of the law and provide a basic resource for further investigation and research.


Patrick L. Dunn, JD, PhD, CRC, the author, is a rehabilitation educator, vocational expert, and lawyer. He has taught at Syracuse University, the University of Alabama, and the University of Tennessee, and is a licensed attorney. A frequent presenter at conferences and familiar contributor to the rehabilitation literature, his latest work has been over one year in development and draws upon his unique skill set in an attempt to provide this much needed resource for rehabilitation practitioners across all sectors of the profession.


(2019, 156 pp)


B22     $24.95    ISBN 978-0-945019-06-0




Medical, Psychosocial and Vocational
Aspects of Disability


5th Edition, 2020


M. G. Brodwin, PhD, CRC

F. W. Siu, PhD, CRC

J. Howard, MD, MPH

E. R. Brodwin, MA

A. T. Du, MS


The 5th edition of this medical text, edited by Dr. Marty Brodwin and his associates, is a completely revised version of this popular medical resource which is widely used in Rehabilitation Counselor Training Programs for over 25 years.


The text contains 33 chapters on selected topics in medicine and rehabilitation. The chapters fall within the following major categories: Rehabilitation Medicine, Common Medical Conditions, Sensory Organ Conditions, Brain and Spinal Cord Conditions, Neuromuscular and Joint Conditions, Psychosocial Conditions, Developmental Conditions, Assistive Technology and Reconstructive Repair, and Genetics. The text also contains an Appendix of Medical Terminology and a detailed Index. The text provides a discussion at the end of each chapter, along with a brief case summary to illustrate how the information is relevant to the person/client. The intent of the authors is to present medical and psychosocial information and make the information relevant to the rehabilitation process for person with disabilities. Although the text is used in a variety of settings, the resource was initially developed and revised every five years specifically for the student in the rehabilitation counseling training programs at major universities around the country. The lead author, Dr. Marty Brodwin, was a long time rehabilitation educator (recently retired) at California State University at Los Angeles.


5th Edition:  B173     $109.95                 ISBN 978-0-945019-07-7

IARP Members Only - use #908 when ordering this publication.




A History of Private Sector Rehabilitation


Tim Field spent two years attempting to research, recreate and record the private sector rehabilitation movement – from the early years in the late 1970s and the approximately twenty years following. While a few of the early “founders” have already departed, many of the early players submitted information and narratives from what they were able to recall. Discussion is provided of the progression of rehabilitation laws, policies, and regulations, and the general historical context during which the profession of the private sector developed. To add to the larger picture of what evolved during those years, Tim asked people to write about their experiences during the formative years of the profession, as well as their own journey(s) through the 1980s and 1990s. Thirty-two people responded to the call and wrote individual stories based on their own experiences. The people contributing were:


M. Barros-Bailey, J. Carlisle, T. Denneen, T. Field, M. Graham, H. Kulman, C. Peacock, B. Roberts, L. Sinsabaugh, R. Weed, P. Dunn, R. Hall, B. McMahon, K. Preston, J. Berg, G. Broughton, P. Bussey, H. Caston, A. Choppa, C. Johnson, D. Funk, K. Jayne, A. Neulicht, S. Shedlin, S. Stipe, D. Taylor, R. Taylor, J. & J. Truthan, G. & S. Van de Bittner, and G. Watters.


The stories are compelling, interesting, and add both flavor and vital information about the early years. Content of the book includes narratives about the three main associations (NARPPS/IARP, ABVE, & AREA). The appendices include interesting information about past presidents, journal editors, conference sites, awards, and related data. This is a first attempt at a history of our profession and, hopefully, will encourage others to add to the forty years of development and progress. (Field, 2017, 298 pp).


B45     $29.95                 ISBN 978-0-945019-04-6

IARP Members Only - use #905 when ordering this publication.





Job Analysis and the ADA:
A Step by Step Guide


This resource contains materials, content and format that address the worker trait variables in the DOT and the critical points of the ADA law. Several detailed worksheets are included within the text along with an easy and straightforward guide to completing the entire job analysis process. (Blackwell, Conrad & Weed, 1992, 160 pp.)


B176     $25.00         ISBN 0-945019-37-8







The Transitional Classification of Jobs


The Transitional Classification of Jobs (6th Edition) contains the primary database of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles with crosswalks to the O*NET database, including the 1998 revision of the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC).  In order to reflect the future direction of these occupational databases, the Transitional COJ has dropped some earlier crosswalks, and has placed a great deal more emphasis on the Online O*NET and related links.


The primary objective of theTransitional COJ is to provide a bridge between the 4th Edition of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles and the emerging O*NET database.  While transferable skills analyses have historically been completed with the DOT and the worker trait structure, this method suffers from a growing obsolescence and lack of support and development by the US Department of Labor.  Rather, DOL has developed and will continue to develop and support the new online,"dynamic" database referred to as the O*NET.


The main body of this resource presents the databases for both the DOT and the O*NET.  Crosswalks are provided between the two databases along with bridges to the SOC, the work fields, and various on-line links to new occupational wage and survey data.  The introduction also addresses the general issue of transferability and employability.  The traditional DOT method for TSAs is outlined in the seven-step format previously included in earlier versions of the COJ.  A second method outlines an approach using both the DOT and a greater emphasis on the O*NET data resources.  Both methods are illustrated in the appendix of the book. Other appendices include two SSA rulings, general information on the worker traits and occupational codes, a detailed overview of the O*NET, and a rather comprehensive list of references related to transferability, the two databases, and the work of the vocational expert within the context of the transferability/employability issue. (Field, J. & Field, T., 2004, 476 pp.)


B01     $89.95                    ISBN 0-945019-89-0





An Introduction to the Vocational Rehabilitation Process


This text is considered a true classic.  Authored by Jim McGowan and Tom Porter, the title was the first definitive resource of what was emerging (in the late 50s and early 60s) as the field of state-federal vocational rehabilitation.  The text is not only a classic read, but has significance relevance today to what is essentially the same process as the 1950s some things never change, and those items that did change over time might reflect evolving terminology rather than substantive differences.  The section titles are too numerous to list, but be assured that this was and may still be the most comprehensive statement of the history and evolution of the rehabilitation profession. (McGowan & Porter, 1967, Rev., 216 pp.)


B16     $24.95                 Rehabilitation Series No. 68-32





The Vocational Expert: Revised and Updated


This publication is a compilation of the best material from four previously published texts: Field & Sink (1982), The Vocational Expert; Blackwell (1990), The Vocational Expert Primer; Blackwell, Field & Field (1992), The Vocational Expert Under Social Security; and Field & Huberty (1995), The Rehabilitation Consultant as a Social Security Claimants Representative.  Material that was considered out-of-date was deleted, while new and relevant material added.  An excellent resource for the beginning vocational expert, especially for guidance and information in the social security area. (Blackwell, Field, Johnson, Kelsay & Neulicht, 2005, 236 pp.)



B110     $29.95                 ISBN 0-945019-97-1





The Rehabilitation Consultant's Handbook


The Rehabilitation Consultants Handbook is completely updated with fresh ideas, illustrations and references.  A must resource for the present rehabilitation professional, the Handbook covers important topics such as: case preparation, expert work, transferability, labor market access, life care planning, lost earning capacity, and much more.  The appendices are loaded with vital references and data that will serve the professional as a primary source of information in future case development.  This resource has been revised and updated over the last 18 years and has become a standard reference for private sector rehabilitation. (Weed & Field, 4th Edition, Revised, 2012, 442 pp.)


B09     $79.95 (soft cover)                   ISBN 978-0-9855538-0-7

IARP Members Only - use #901 when ordering this publication.





The Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs


Beginning with an in-depth description of Job Analysis, its uses and principles, the Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs is filled with 165 pages of useful information for the rehabilitation professional.  This fourth revision also includes chapters on worker function, work fields, MPSMS, GED, SVP, Aptitudes, Temperaments, GOE, Physical Demands and Environmental Conditions.  The reader is familiarized with such topics as writing job summaries, task descriptions, and Job Analysis Reports.  Other helpful resources include organization and workflow charts along with a step-by-step guide to the Narrative Report.  May be used with the ADA Job Analysis Worksheet.  Corresponds with the 1991 DOT and the revised list of 72 worker traits. (1991,165 pp.)


B128     $27.95                 ISBN 0-160358-77-9





Forensic Casebook: Vocational and
Economic Reports


The Forensic Casebook is a resource which reproduces case reports which were actually processed and/or adjudicated in state and federal courts. The book contains twenty-two cases written by nineteen different rehabilitation professionals with considerable experience in the field of forensic rehabilitation and economic. This is a useful resource for other professionals, especially professionals new to the field, who desire to know how reports were written and presented in hearings and/or courts. (Field, J. & Field, T., Eds., 2017, 330).


B42     $35.95                 ISBN978-0-692-61424-2

IARP Members Only - use #904 when ordering this publication.



Look for Discounted Prices on Selected Titles


The inventory of book titles with E & F consists of several books that have become somewhat dated and not likely to be revised and updated in the future. These book titles are valuable for their historical content and/or contain information that is still relevant today. please look for the following notation for the titles that are discounted 50% and will remain available as long as the supply lasts for each title "Discounted."

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