Quality Resources for the Rehabilitation Professional


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During the 2023 year, Tim and Janet will continue to maintain and develop publications related to topics on forensic rehabilitation - including books and professional journals. As a means to expand the visibility of our publications, E&F has entered into agreement with the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP).


Through the Affinity Program of IARP, any IARP member who orders a copy(s) of the following book titles, E&F shall pay a royalty of 10% to IARP. Please use the appropriate tracking number for each title when ordering:



Finally, throughout the listing of titles in our Publications section, look for titles that have been discounted due to their age. On occasion, we get a request for a title that is currently out-of-print, but we can produce many of our older titles On Demand in most cases. Call for availability and cost on any of our earlier titles which may not be listed on this site.


As always, thank you for your interest in our books and journals, and we trust that all of our valued customers will have a great and successful 2023.



— New Title —

Introduction to Becoming a Vocation Expert

This resource reflects the many years of the author who has considerable experience as a forensic rehabilitation and vocational expert in state and federal courts. Mr. Leslie has been an active member of professional association in private sector rehabilitation, and recently served as President of the American Board of Vocational Experts. Based on this experience, Mr. Leslie provides detailed and “how to do it” segments of preparing testimony and critical areas of information in order to provide defensible testimony in depositions and trials. This book will be an important resource for professionals beginning their career in the field of forensic rehabilitation.


Find this title in the Study Guides Section.

Elliott & Fitzpatrick, Inc.  |  1135 Cedar Shoals Drive, Athens, GA 30605  |  706-548-8161

International Association of Rehabilition Professionals  |  Athens Printing Company . . . . .

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